Selfie Checks

How is your day going?  That is something that students can self-assess by using a Google Form to create a Selfie Check!  We have a few students at Irving who created selfie checks with their teachers.  The purpose of the selfie check is to have students take ownership for their learning and behavior while also allowing the teacher to collect information on the student.  Selfie CheckHere is an example of a selfie check that helps the student self-assess how they are doing in class in regards to learning.  The students enjoy getting to use a Google Form and love that it has the word “selfie” in it.  Teachers love that it gives them authentic data on their students.

Veterans Day

All the classrooms at Irving did something today to honor our veterans for the amazing people they.  Some classes read stories about veterans, others watched videos and some even wrote letters to veterans.  I asked the classrooms that wrote letters to pick a few standouts to help me create a video to honor our veterans.  I hope you enjoy!